What is school based art therapy?
When children and young people experience difficulties in their lives, they may find learning and fitting in with school life a challenge. School based art therapy provision allows the emotional needs of children to be met more readily, thus facilitating learning and development whilst also enhancing the wellbeing of the wider school community.
Creative Expressions provides one to one art therapy sessions for children and young people who attend schools and other educational establishments.
Art therapy can work in partnership with school policies concerning emotional health and child protection.
School based art therapy can help to improve an individual’s psychological, emotional, social and educational achievement.
Art therapy can also help to improve attendance at school.
Art therapists always ask for written permission from parents/carers before commencing art therapy.
How does art therapy take place at school?
Art therapy sessions are held within the school day, on a weekly basis during term time.
The sessions are held in the same room, at the same time and day each week and are usually 40 minutes long.
The art therapist provides a variety of art and play materials needed for the session. Children usually direct the session through their choice of art making or playing. The therapist will work with what the children bring up in the session as well as working towards specific aims and goals set at the beginning of therapy. Sometimes the therapist makes art with the children, or helps them to explore certain themes within the creative process.
How do we know it works?
Creative Expressions evaluates the art therapy service at regular intervals during treatment.
Creative Expressions receives positive feedback from teachers, parents/carers and children.
Creative Expressions works closely with the school, other professionals and parents/carers to ensure delivery of an effective service.
Art therapy is not compulsory - children enjoy coming to art therapy and value their sessions. Creative Expressions maintains a high attendance rate for art therapy.
Feedback from schools
Some of the feedback Creative Expressions has received over the years….
“You have transformed the lives of the children you have worked with” Head teacher
“ H has grown in confidence over the weeks and has shown positive changes in behaviour in class” Class teacher
“ A appears to really enjoy art therapy and is now a confident, happy, smiley little girl” Class teacher
“Z is much more willing to tackle tasks. The change in behaviour of this child enables the whole class to learn and communicate” Class teacher
“He is more confident in class. For this child it has done wonders” Class teacher
“This child is now able to understand her emotions and make better choices around behaviour” Teacher
“An improved focus on academic work, happier at school and with peers” Teacher
“This service has made a significant impact on ECM cases in school” Head teacher
If you would like to discuss whether school based art therapy could be helpful for your school, please get in touch via the contact form and Samantha will be happy to discuss your requirements.